2003 LSU Computer Science High School Programming Contest

  Computer Science
  Contest Index
  HS 2002
  HS 2001
  HS 2000
  ACM Intl PC
  1. Multiple problems will be posed in English. Solutions to these problems must be submitted in one contest approved languages.

    • Microsoft Visual C/C++ v6.0
    • Microsoft Visual Basic v6.0
    • Turbo Pascal 1.5
    • Borland Delphi 5
    • Microsoft QBasic
    • Java JDK

    The systems are P III 550s with 256 MB of RAM running Windows 2000. These systems have been erased and a custom installation has been built for this contest. Normally these systems have a full complement of software packages for LSU students to utilize.

  2. Libraries: We do not install additional libraries. The number of libraries out there is staggering. The complexity of trying to get them installed correctly (if possible) is huge. Rather than install a few libraries, we choose to only install the software/libraries as shipped by the vendor.

  3. Problem solutions MUST be submitted according to our guidelines. All submissions will consist of source code only. All programs will be written to do input and output to the standard devices (Visual Basic and Turbo Pascal are exceptions). This is clarified in the Language Specific Information document.

  4. Contestants may not bring the following items into the contest area:
    • Any device capable of computing (including any form of calculator)
      • The contestants that are part of their team (maximum of three)
      • The single computer we provide (of course it is already in the contest area)
      • Slide rules are allowed
    • Any machine readable (diskettes, CDs) or "live" (i.e. your advisor) documentation
    • Anything that disrupts other teams while it is being used or the contest

    Any items that the Contest Officials believe violate these rules will be confiscated until the end of the contest.

  5. Contestants MAY NOT do the following:
    • Discuss the problems with anyone other than their team members and Contest Officials.
    • Disrupt the contest or other teams.
    • Disrupt the computers and/or the judges.
    • Attempt to retrieve any information via the network other than the designated Contest Web Pages (No surfing the net).
    • Attempt to discover the Judging Data and/or Judges Solutions.

  6. Any questions a Team has about a problem must be submitted to the Contest Judges via the PC^2 Clarification system. The Contest Judges will review the question and will either do nothing or they will respond to all teams with the clarifications. Questions about your system, PC^2, logging in, etc. may be asked (verbally) of the runners.

  7. Problems are submitted for judging via the Problem Submission Software. When the Contest Judge makes a decision, you will receive electronic notification.

    YesProblem is correct
    No - ISImproper Submission (sent stuff other than required, hard-coded I/O)
    No - CECompile Error (something went wrong before your program was able to be run)
    No - RTRun Time Error (your program "failed/crashed" while being run)
    No - TLTime Limit Exceeded (your program took more than two [2] minutes to complete)
    No - IOIncorrect Output (your program ran but did not produce output close enough to desired)

  8. Contest starting time, ending time, and/or duration may be altered by Contest Officials if necessary (if the lunch is late or early).

  9. No one may leave the contest area early unless an advisor comes to get them.

  10. You may be disqualified and/or have your score reduced based on infractions of the rules.

    Figuring Out Who Won

  • The winners will be determined based on how many problems you solve (The team that solves the most problems wins, second most gets second place, third most gets third place).

  • If there is a tie (two or more teams that solve the same number of problems), the team that solves their problem(s) in the least amount of time wins. This is done by summing up how long it took to solve each problem (based on when it was submitted to be judged, each incorrect submission will count as an extra 20 minutes).

  • If there is still a tie, the team with the fewest submissions will win.

  • If there is still a tie, the Contest Official(s) will continue to dynamically invent new criteria until we find one that breaks the tie.


The statements and opinions included in these pages are those of 2003 LSU Computer Science High School Programming Contest only. Any statements and opinions included in these pages are not those of Louisiana State University or the LSU Board of Supervisors.
Site maintained by: Isaac Traxler
© 2000,2001,2002,2003    Last modified: Tuesday, 18 March, 2003 19:03:29